Matillion ETL Shared Job

Send Message to Slack

Send a message or alert to Slack from a Matillion ETL orchestration job.

The best place to use this is immediately after another job or component.

Send Message to Slack


Incoming Webhook URLYour Incoming Webhook URL for Slack (see prerequisites below)
Message Icon EmojiEmoji to use in the message border. Specify the name enclosed by colons, e.g. :information_source:
Message PretextThe prefix for the banner on the Slack message
Message Text HeaderText to add prior to the job details in the Slack message
Message TitleSlack message title
Message Title LinkHyperlink for the title of the message in Slack
Parent Job NameThe name of the job we are reporting on. Set to ${job_name} to use the name of the job containing this shared job
Run StatusThe status we are reporting on. Valid values are SUCCESS, FAILURE or leave blank. To report on a prior job or component, export the Status variable and use the value ${run_status} here
Run TimezoneTimezone reference for where the job is running. Some key values: UTC, Europe/London, US/Eastern. A full timezone list is here


Create an Incoming Webhook in Slack. Keep your webhook URL secret and safe, because the URL itself contains a secret.

To avoid a ModuleNotFoundError, the following Python libraries must be available to the Python 3 interpreter:

  • datetime
  • pytz


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download send-message-to-slack.melt

  • Target: Any target cloud data platform
  • Version: 1.68.3 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Oct 29, 2023
Last Modified: Nov 30, 2023