Matillion ETL Shared Job

Revelate Create Data Product

For Revelate customers to be able to create Flat File and Snowflake products directly from a Matillion ETL orchestration job.

The Revelate shared job leverages REST APIs that are natively available within the platform. Hence, the variables required are a replication of what is necessary to set up the respective product in the Marketplace for discovery, fulfilment, and distribution.

Revelate Create Data Product

With the Shared Job selected, the “Help” page provides details on the variables and how to use them to utilize the shared job as designed.

If you have any issues with this Shared Job, please contact who will be able to support you. Also, please find more information about Revelate at this website.


DomainThe Revelate domain
PasswordRevelate API password
Primary Category CodeThe main category the product is to be associated with
Product DescriptionA description of the product. It should give the consumer information about the product to get them to explore further the details through available documentation on the product
Product NameThe name of the product. It can contain alphanumeric characters and symbols. Product Name is visible to all users
Secondary Category CodesA comma-separated list of secondary category codes the product is to be associated with. Secondary categories allows a product to appear in multiple places across the Marketplace, providing cross listing of the product for increase visibility within different user journeys
Source IdentityIf the Source Type is S3 this is the bucket name where the file is stored. If the Source Type is Snowflake this is the data platform id from the marketplace the share will be available within
Source KeyIf the Source Type is S3 this is the name of the file. If the Source Type is Snowflake this is the object name
Source TypeThe type of digital asset being associated to the product. Either S3 or Snowflake
UsernameRevelate API username


The following libraries must be available to the Python 3 interpreter:

  • datetime
  • json
  • requests


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download Revelate-Create-Data-Product.melt

  • Target: Snowflake
  • Version: 1.68.3 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Revelate
Date Posted: Oct 25, 2023
Last Modified: Nov 9, 2023