Matillion ETL Shared Job
Check Job Is Running

Check if a named Matillion ETL job is running.

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Create Snowflake Table From File

Create a Snowflake table from staged data file(s).

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Snap Analytics

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Delete GCS File

Delete file(s) from a bucket in Google Cloud Storage (GCS).

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Move GCS File

Move a file from one location in Google Cloud Storage to another, optionally changing the file name.

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Run Serverless via AWS Lambda

Run your code via AWS Lambda serverless cloud infrastructure.

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Task History Profiler

Performance analysis and tuning for Matillion ETL jobs.

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License