Matillion ETL Shared Job
Check Network Access

Check connectivity between Matillion ETL and a network data source.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Delete S3 File

Delete one file from a bucket in AWS S3 cloud storage.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Pip Install (legacy version)

This legacy Shared Job for pre LTS versions of Matillion ETL installs a chosen Python 3 library into a named location.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Pip3 Install (legacy version)

This legacy Shared Job for pre LTS versions of Matillion ETL installs a chosen Python 3.6 library into a named location.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Revelate Create Data Product

For Revelate customers to be able to create Flat File and Snowflake products directly from a Matillion ETL orchestration job.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Tableau Server Extract Refresh Now

The Tableau Server Extract Refresh Now job from InterWorks gives you the ability to refresh your Tableau Server Extracts at the end of a Matillion ETL orchestration job.