Matillion ETL Shared Job
CDC Sync to Target

An updated version of the Shared Job used in Matillion ETL for CDC Processing.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Data Vault 2.0 Shared Jobs

A pair of Shared Jobs that create and populate Data Vault 2.0 Hub, Link and Satellite tables.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Find My IP Address

Find the public IP address of your Matillion ETL instance.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Move S3 File

Move a file from one location in AWS S3 cloud storage to another, optionally changing the file name.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Read S3 Metadata

Read metadata from one file in a bucket in AWS S3 cloud storage.

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Send Message to Slack

Send a message or alert to Slack from a Matillion ETL orchestration job.