Matillion ETL Shared Job

Find My IP Address

Find the public IP address of your Matillion ETL instance.

When you run the Shared Job, the public IP address will be printed in the Task History panel. You can also access the public IP address programmatically within an orchestration job, as the section below explains.

Find My IP Address

In most cases, Matillion ETL will have both a private IP address and a public one. This shared job finds the public IP address, which is the one you will need if you are managing a firewall on a source system to allow Matillion ETL access. For more information please refer to this article on Public vs Private IP Addresses.


Public IP AddressThis is an output parameter. Leave its default value ?

Accessing the Public IP Address programmatically

For DataOps automation you can save the public IP address into an orchestration job variable. Then you can use it afterwards for example to manage a firewall.

Create a Text type job variable in your orchestration job. It can be public or private.

IP Address Job Variable

In the Export tab of the Find My IP Address Shared Job, map the output variable jv_public_ip_address to your own job variable.

Export Public IP Address

At runtime, your job variable will be updated to contain the public IP address of the Matillion ETL instance.


The shared job will fail if the Matillion ETL instance does not have a public IP address - for example if it’s running in a private subnet with no internet access.


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download find-my-ip-address.melt

  • Target: Any target cloud data platform
  • Version: 1.68.3 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Oct 27, 2023
Last Modified: Nov 9, 2023