Matillion ETL Shared Job

Email Attachment Download

Download all attachments from a specified email, and save to cloud storage.

Email Attachment Download

Typically used inside an Iterator component that loops over the Email ID values previously acquired from an Email Query component. The idea is that the Email Query component retrieves emails that match specific criteria. This shared job is used afterwards to download all the attachments from those emails.


IMAP ServerIMAP server name or IP address e.g.
IMAP PortIMAP Server Port (typically 993)
Email UserEmail User
Email PasswordPassword Manager entry for Email User under Projects > Manage Passwords
Email FolderEmail folder that the Email resides in
Email IDThe unique internal id of an email that has attachments to be downloaded, as returned by the Email Query component
Local Stage DirectoryDirectory path that defines where to temporarily stage the email attachment file before moving to cloud storage, e.g. /tmp
Delete Staged DataA stage table and view is created for each email. Set to 1 to delete these objects upon completion

Extra parameters for Snowflake on AWS

Snowflake WarehouseSnowflake Warehouse used when staging metadata
Snowflake DatabaseSnowflake Database used for staged metadata
Snowflake SchemaSnowflake Schema used for staged metadata
S3 Bucket StageAWS S3 Bucket for staging temporary data, e.g. yourS3Bucket or yourS3Bucket/yourFolder
S3 Bucket TargetAWS S3 Bucket to copy downloaded attachment files to, e.g. yourS3Bucket or yourS3Bucket/yourFolder

Extra parameters for Redshift on AWS

Redshift SchemaRedshift Schema used for staged metadata
S3 Bucket StageAWS S3 Bucket for staging temporary data, e.g. yourS3Bucket or yourS3Bucket/yourFolder
S3 Bucket TargetAWS S3 Bucket to copy downloaded attachment files to, e.g. yourS3Bucket or yourS3Bucket/yourFolder

Extra parameters for Snowflake on Azure

Snowflake WarehouseSnowflake Warehouse used when staging metadata
Snowflake DatabaseSnowflake Database used for staged metadata
Snowflake SchemaSnowflake Schema used for staged metadata
Stage Azure Storage AccountAzure Storage Account used to stage metadata
Stage Azure Blob ContainerAzure Blob Container used for staged metadata
Target Azure Storage AccountAzure Storage Account target for the Email Attachment
Target Azure Blob ContainerAzure Blob Container target for the Email Attachment

Extra parameters for Google BigQuery

BigQuery ProjectGoogle BigQuery Project used for staged metadata
BigQuery DatasetGoogle BigQuery Dataset used for staged metadata
Stage Cloud Storage BucketGoogle Cloud Storage Bucket for staging temporary data, e.g. myGCSBucket or myGCSBucket/myFolder
Target GCS BucketGoogle Cloud Storage Bucket to copy downloaded attachment files to, e.g. myGCSBucket or myGCSBucket/myFolder


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download METL-aws-rs-1.42.7-email-attachment-download.melt

  • Platform: AWS
  • Target: Redshift
  • Version: 1.42.7 or higher

Download METL-aws-sf-1.42.7-email-attachment-download.melt

  • Platform: AWS
  • Target: Snowflake
  • Version: 1.42.7 or higher

Download METL-az-sf-1.42.9-email-attachment-download.melt

  • Platform: Azure
  • Target: Snowflake
  • Version: 1.42.9 or higher

Download METL-gcp-bq-1.42.9-email-attachment-download.melt

  • Platform: GCP
  • Target: Google BigQuery
  • Version: 1.42.9 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Nov 14, 2023
Last Modified: Nov 14, 2023