Matillion ETL Shared Job

Data Vault 2.0 Shared Jobs

A pair of Shared Jobs that create and populate Data Vault 2.0 Hub, Link and Satellite tables.

Data Vault 2.0 Shared Jobs

These shared jobs are designed to work as part of a medallion data architecture that you are managing with Matillion ETL. The Data Vault 2.0 objects exist in the silver layer, and they read from “staging views” that you build over bronze layer objects.

  • Stage to Hub - takes records from a staging view (or table) and populates a Data Vault 2.0 Hub, Satellite and Error table
  • Stage to Link - takes records from a staging view (or table) and populates a Data Vault 2.0 Link, Satellite and Error table

Stage to Hub Parameters

SchemaName of the schema you are working in
DatabaseName of the database you are working in
Record SourceName of source system
DV Name StubStub name of the Data Vault objects (e.g. “dummy” –> h_dummy, s_dummy and e_dummy)
Staging object nameName of the staging view or table
Business key columnsGrid variable containing a list of the business key columns
SchemaName of the schema you are working in
DatabaseName of the database you are working in
Record SourceName of source system
Link name suffixOptionally added to the link table name to distinguish multiple links between the same hubs
Staging object nameName of the staging view or table
Hubs to linkGrid variable containing a list of the names of the Hub tables being linked


These shared jobs are designed to be standalone and minimalist, so they will create the Data Vault target tables if they don’t exist already. The jobs also create a simplistic hash function named f_dv2_hash which converts business keys into surrogate keys.

Data Vault implementation example

If you had a Data Vault 2.0 model like this, with three Hubs and three Links:

Data Vault Model

.. then your silver layer Matillion ETL Orchestration Job to populate these objects from bronze layer staging views might look like this:

Declarative Data Vault with Matillion


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download METL-snowflake-AWS-datavault-sharedjob-1.56.melt

  • Target: Snowflake on AWS
  • Version: 1.56.10 or higher

Download METL-snowflake-Azure-datavault-sharedjob-1.56.melt

  • Target: Snowflake on Azure
  • Version: 1.56.10 or higher

Download METL-snowflake-GCP-datavault-sharedjob-1.56.melt

  • Target: Snowflake on GCP
  • Version: 1.56.10 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Oct 26, 2023
Last Modified: Jun 12, 2024