Matillion ETL Shared Job

Cloud Storage AWK

Run an AWK script against a file held in cloud storage.

This shared job reads one file from cloud storage, passes it through the AWK script provided, and saves the results to a specified cloud storage target.

AWK scripts are great for many pre-processing tasks on textual, line oriented data files such as CSV and TSV. However they are not suitable for semi-structured formats such as JSON, AVRO, ORC, PARQUET or XML.

This screenshot is an example using S3 on AWS, with an inline AWK script specified directly among the parameters:

Cloud Storage AWK S3

This screenshot is an example using GCS on GCP, with the AWK script downloaded from the specified cloud storage URL:

Cloud Storage AWK GCS


AWK script or URLThe AWK script. If this parameter begins with s3:// or gs:// the shared job will try to download and use it
Source bucket nameName of the S3 bucket containing the source file. Do not include the s3:// or gs:// prefix. Do not include the object path
Source file nameThe source file name, including path if any
Target bucket nameName of the target S3 bucket. Do not include the s3:// or gs:// prefix. Do not include a path
Target file nameThe target file name, including path if any


The target file will be overwritten if it already exists.


Simple passthrough filter, does not change the input:

{print $0}

Remove blank lines:

NF>0 {print $0}

Remove the first row, useful to remove the header row from a CSV or TSV file:

NR>1 {print $0}

Remove two first two rows:

NR>2 {print $0}

Convert DOS encoded file (CRLF line endings) into a Unix/Linux file (LF line endings)

{ sub("\r$", ""); print }


Obviously the shared job uses awk internally! It must be installed on the Matillion ETL instance.

When running on AWS:

  • The aws command line utility must be installed on your Matillion ETL instance. If the shared job fails with an error line X: aws: command not found then please follow this guide to installing the aws command.
  • This shared job attempts to read and write to S3. Ensure that the EC2 instance credentials attached to your Matillion ETL instance include the privilege to do this. For more information, refer to the “IAM in AWS” section in this article on RBAC in the Cloud.

When running on GCP:

  • The gsutil command line utility must be installed on your Matillion ETL instance.
  • This shared job attempts to read and write to GCS. Ensure that the Service Account attached to your Matillion ETL VM has the privilege to do this. For more information, refer to the “IAM in GCP” section in this article on RBAC in the Cloud.


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download METL-aws-1.61.6-cloud-storage-awk-s3.melt

  • Platform: AWS
  • Target: Any target cloud data platform
  • Version: 1.61.6 or higher

Download METL-gcp-1.61.6-cloud-storage-awk-gcs.melt

  • Platform: GCP
  • Target: Any target cloud data platform
  • Version: 1.61.6 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Nov 16, 2023
Last Modified: Nov 22, 2023