Matillion ETL Shared Job

CDC Sync to Target

An updated version of the Shared Job used in Matillion ETL for CDC Processing.

This Shared Job is designed to be called by the Matillion CDC process. It will set all of the Public job variables required for the job to run.

This wrapper job:

  • Sets up the Private variables
  • Manages the logging table
  • Runs the sub job with the required variable values
  • Writes the result to the log

This updated version of CDC Sync To Target will convert date time with zero values to null which addresses a specific use case.


Source EngineThe source database type (E.g MySQL). Must match the name expected by the Matillion Database Query Component
Server NameThe IP or DNS address of the source database server
PortThe port number for the source database server
DatabaseThe name of database on the source host to connect to
User NameThe username on the source database server
PasswordThe Matillion “Password Manager” password associated with the source database
S3 BucketThe S3 bucket used to store the CDC files produced by AWS DMS
S3 KeyThe location within the S3 bucket of the CDC DMS file to be processed
TableThe table name
Staging DatabaseThe Snowflake database where the staging tables will be created during a CDC update load
Staging SchemaThe Snowflake schema where the staging tables will be created during a CDC update load
Staging Table PrefixThe Prefix that will be applied to the staging tables created for a CDC update load
Target DatabaseThe target database
Target SchemaThe Snowflake schema to be used for the target tables
Target Table PrefixThe prefix added to the Source Table Name (from the source database) when it is created
Task NameThe task name
JDBC Connection OptionsA grid variable containing any required JDBC connection options used for connecting to the Source database (only used during Initial Loads to get the table metadata)
Debug ModeSet to “TRUE” to print debug information to the Task History during a run
Last UpdatedSet to either YES or NO, to add an optional “MAT_LAST_UPDATED” timestamp to the target table. If YES it will add a new column to the table called mat_last_update_stamp. For initial loads will be NULL, but any rows updated will get an update timestamp


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download METL-aws-sf-1.50.9-CDC-sync-to-target.melt

  • Platform: AWS
  • Target: Snowflake
  • Version: 1.50.9 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Oct 29, 2023
Last Modified: Oct 29, 2023