Matillion ETL Shared Job

Assert Snowflake Virtual Warehouse

Check that a named Snowflake Virtual Warehouse is sized as expected.

Assert Snowflake Virtual Warehouse

Use this shared job in a Matillion ETL orchestration job to check that a named Virtual Warehouse exists and has the specified size.

The shared job will:

  • succeed if the assertion is true. The Virtual Warehouse exists, and is sized as expected. You can continue processing as normal
  • fail if the assertion is false. You might want to stop processing and issue an alert - for example by email or via Slack


Virtual Warehouse NameName of the Snowflake Virtual Warehouse to check. Set to ${environment_port} to check the environment default warehouse
Expected SizeExpected size of the Snowflake Virtual Warehouse. Set to one of the sizes listed in the Overview of Warehouses, e.g. X-SMALL, MEDIUM etc. Case insensitive


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download METL-sf-1.68.3-assert-snowflake-virtual-warehouse.melt

  • Target: Snowflake
  • Version: 1.68.3 or higher

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Matillion ETL Shared Job
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Nov 27, 2023
Last Modified: Nov 30, 2023