Matillion ETL Shared Job
Assert Row Counts

Assert that the row counts of table(s) match expectations.

Downloadable assets: 4

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Automated Testing Toolkit

Automated Snowflake testing from a Matillion ETL orchestration job.

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: phData

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
CDC Load to Warehouse

Load data exported from a CDC agent into target tables on your chosen cloud data platform.

Downloadable assets: 4

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Create GBQ Table From Table

Create Google BigQuery table(s) using metadata from an existing table(s).

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Create Snowflake Table From CSV file

Create a Snowflake table from a staged CSV file.

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Richard

License: Matillion Free Subscription License

Matillion ETL Shared Job
Flatten Snapchat Extract

Transform and flatten data previously loaded by a Snapchat Extract.

Downloadable assets: 1

Author: Matillion

License: Matillion Free Subscription License