Custom Connector Profile


Generate fake data for testing and prototyping.

This Data Productivity Cloud Custom Connector extracts and loads data from JSONPlaceholder, whenever you need some quick, free and reliable fake data for testing purposes.

Image ofJSONPlaceholder API Custom Connector
JSONPlaceholder API Custom Connector


  • posts - 100 posts
  • comments - 500 comments
  • albums - 100 albums
  • photos - 5000 photos
  • todos - 200 todos
  • users - 10 users (contains nested structures)


Licensed under: Matillion Free Subscription License

Download JSONPlaceholder.json

  • Type: Custom Connector

Installation Instructions

How to Install a Data Productivity Cloud Custom Connector
Author: Matillion
Date Posted: Apr 26, 2024
Last Modified: Jul 23, 2024